by Jon Greenall | Aug 27, 2018 | Articles
Badgers holt with JO JO the target Badgers Holt is set in the scenic limousin region of France alongside its sister lake, Lac Serriere. Last year I decided that these two lakes would be my main focus...
by Jon Greenall | Aug 27, 2018 | Articles
With the spring season already here, the lakes around the country start to come to life. At this time, I am always on the phone to my friend Andrew Gardner to give me an update on his dives and to find out what is happening in and around the lake beds. Andy can...
by Jon Greenall | Jul 9, 2018 | Articles, News
The Experience of BIn El Ouiden – Morocco The thought of fishing out in Morocco was something that had not crossed my mind, I was seeing on Facebook on a regular basis pictures appearing of people making the trip and the pictures of the fish and the backdrop was...
by Jon Greenall | Jun 23, 2018 | Articles, Uncategorized
PB Article Jun 2018 Was That A Bite? As the madness and gay abandon of pre-spawning carp becomes a thing of the past, they start to be more cautious of how they feed. Often in Summer time I liken this to carp grazing. They very rarely stay in one spot long, instead...
by Jon Greenall | Jun 12, 2018 | Articles
DAVE LANES VIEW ON SILKRAY LEADER I have been experimenting over the past few months with Silkray, a braided leader material and found it to be an incredible substitute/replacement for lead core. It has the same density advantages but none of the stiffness. It...
by Jon Greenall | Apr 15, 2018 | Articles
Holmesy’s Top Tips…The Shrimp Aligner After talking to the guys at PB, we have decided to start a series called Holmesy’s Top Tips…no pressure there then LOL. Seriously I get labelled as a guy who gives a lot of edges away. Some of my mates say I daft but to me...