07341 847566 [email protected]

So the evening of Friday August 10th 2018 we arrived, myself and Mick Henley also part of the PB Family were on our way to Dover on the Crystal Waters coach to pick up 10 excited customers for another full package week in France.

So trailer loaded and after a 2 hour delay we travelled through the night and arrived at 8.30 French time in the morning, a quick unload and reload with the party going home we we’re looking across the glorious 25 acre lake of Crystal Waters and having a brew.

The draw done and all customers delivered to their swims and settled in the trip begun.

Myself and Mick normally fish nights only reeling in before breakfast, with a full day ahead with cooking breakfast, clearing up after, shopping, walking the lake checking the customers, lodge maintenance and finally doing dinner and clearing up afterwards, our fishing normally commenced after this.

My reels have been spooled up with the PB control line 0.35mm (24lb) and to say I was impressed is an understatement reaching a lovely clear spot next to a weed bed at 130 yards what a dream line this is.

Rigs were made using the ever reliable 25lb Jelly Wire and a mix of size 6 Jungle Hooks and size 4 superstrong.

After breakfast was done eating and cleared up one morning we decided to cook the evenings shepherds pie there and then and with no shopping required and no maintenance needed we found ourselves a window for a bit of daytime fishing.  So by 11am all my 3 rods were out. I had already baited up at 6am that morning before reeling in to cook the breakfast. What a treat to fish during the day as I had fish over the baited area as without a doubt baiting up and removing lines gives the fish much confidence to feed, this proved to be true, 4 runs by 4pm before warming the dinner through and dishing up all 4 fish landed. I know we all go to France for the really big fish but what a great 5 hours fishing, 3 out of the 4 fish caught (pictures attached) of the 40’s the smallest was 45.02 the largest 48.06 ~ 4 carp just over 186lb massive smile.


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