07341 847566 [email protected]

Meet The Team

Name: Mark Holmes

Age: 55

Occupation: Freelance Journalist

UK PB: 61lb 8oz

Fav Method: Whatever it takes

Fav Bait: EVO Hookbait

Sponsors: DNA Baits

Short Bio:

I first wet a line for Carp 43 years ago…so you could say I’ve been doing it a while. I include in my Carping CV many large Carp but I’ve never lost the passion that a Twenty is a big Carp,,,the day I don’t I’ll probably pack in. I was editor of Advanced Carp Fishing and trained as an angling journalist after I sold my business. I have been known over the years as a bit of a bait guru but dismiss those claims. For me Big Carp fishing is made simpler by giving them something they want to eat. As I get older I answer many questions from beginners and do many slide shows where I like to try and help all anglers to catch Carp on their own terms.

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