Meet The Team
Name : Luke Godman
Age: 26
Occupation: windscreen fitter
Region: Cambridgeshire
UK Mirror: 39.04
UK Common:39.08
Foreign Mirror: 55.08
Foreign Common: 40lb
I’m Luke 26 years young, been fishing since I was little, visiting the rivers and match venues with my dad and grandad. As i got older I wanted to catch bigger fish targeting them on the surface mainly. I studied fisheries management at Shuttleworth college for 2 years meeting a load of new friends which then got me in to carp fishing properly, my angling now consists of a lot of day sessions on day tickets and syndicate with limited time which i enjoy as it puts all my angling skills (luck) to the test having to read the waters effectively and making the most out of a bad situation. My current Uk Pb stands at 39.08 common and abroad Pb is a 55.08 mirror.