07341 847566 [email protected]

Meet The Team

Name : Keith Standley
Age : I’ve been fishing a long time
Occupation : Retired Firefighter
UK PB : 37lb 10oz
Overseas PB : 65lb
Fav Method : pop up
Fav Bait : Source
Other Sponsors : Dynamite Baits, VMC

Hi I’m Keith Standley probably better known as Backdraft due to my Firefighter connections. I have been fishing for over 50 years (yep I’m very old).

I started fishing Park Lane (or poaching maybe) and The River Lee in North London and even back as a kid if was more than a hobby it was a lifestyle. I can remember my father saying to me how did you get on with your Maths exam, to which I replied pretty good I had 16 roach. As a youngster we used to go out every third Sunday of every month with an LAA club and the elders used to grab me and my mate in the summer months and point out the carp and tell us that these were uncatchable so that started the challenge of carp fishing. This was an exciting time because fishing was unprepared for this as in no available bivvies, bed chairs, alarms etc. and the hair rig was still a long way off. So I witnessed quite an amazing transition in carp fishing particularly when being at shows and seeing what’s available.

So a bit more about me my UK PB is 37.10lb my overseas is 65.00lb. I am a retired Firefighter so I have got the enjoyable life of fishing a lot of my time. I became involved in the French holiday business after a few years of fishing many different waters in France mainly lakes but also including the River Seine and the River Yonne. So 25 years ago I started running trips for Les Quis who were one of the first running these trips and for the past 10 years have been involved with Crystal Waters in the Burgundy Region which now boasts fish in the mid 80s. I have also had a few trips fishing in the World Carp Classic, fishing in Italy, France and Czech Republic and I did enjoy the competition side of carp angling as well. One of the other pleasures from fishing is meeting these anglers on these fishing trips and discussing the finalities of rigs, baits etc. So I seek the perfect rig that is effective, reasonably simple and most important of all safe. And the beauty of rigs now is that you can have a varied armoury. So when asked what was my favourite methods I use the answer is what catches on the day.

Catching fish to me is in the power of three – Location, bait and rig and maybe a bit of luck thrown in. So be lucky.

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