A rig that even the most cunning carp have difficulty with. By combining a Curved-like hook, the Anti Eject Hook and a Rig ring on the D-loop, this rig will poke very quickly.
The bait will be sucked into the hook bend when “sucking in”. Once in the mouth, the carp will want to get rid of the hook and spit everything out. The bait will now be spit through the ring towards the exit of the jaw, while the hook comes into position and stays that way. The Anti Eject punctures and the fish will shoot away in a panic. The run is there and the drill can begin. As an extra, the D-rig has the Speed Swivel 8 with Anti Tangle Sleeve. This rig fits directly on the Silk Ray Hit & Run Leaders. D-Rigs are knotted with Jelly Wire 25lb, the first part of which is “stripped” and thus creating a combination with D-Rig Anti Eject.
The color indication of the D-Rig packaging is ORANGE
-Speed Swivel size 8
-Jelly Wire 25lb
-Shrink stocking on hook eye
-Anti Tangle Sleeve
sizes #4 #6 #8