Meet The Team
Becky Sharman
Lives: Stowmarket
Occupation: Personal Travel Consultant
Sponsor: Bait-Tech, Team PB Products
Favourite methods: Fishing tight to a margin or snaggy areas with a solid bag with a pop-up.
PBs: UK PB 33lb 8oz Mirror, French PB 54lb 8oz Mirror
Favourite Venues: Wraysbury
Top Tip: Keep it simple, keep it light & keep on the move if you have to, don’t go with the convenience of the nearest swim, get to a lake just before daylight as it’s one of the best times to find the fish as they tend to show themselves.
Personal Future Goals: My aspirations is to catch a UK 40+ and promote Carp fishing not only to men but to encourage women and children too, and to fish competitively in various Carp Cups in the UK
I have been around the fishing scene since she was a young child, my Dad used to take me out on his sea fishing boat. I actually caught my first fresh water fish at the age of 12 on a telescopic rod, which was a Jack Pike, since then it’s been on and off up until 9 yrs ago